
QuickCare integrates or communicates with all essential government portals and authorities to verify and authenticate documents and clearances.

Identity & Document Verification Integrations

Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority

National Quality Framework (NQF) for educators working in children education and care services.

Australia's national training register, of nationally recognised training (NTR) and registered training organisations (RTO).

Stripe Payments & Identity

Stripe payments and identity verification service for secure transactions and fraud prevention.

Department of Home Affairs

Verify the working right of Australians, permanent residents and those on visas.

Working with Children and Vulnerable People

NSW Government

Service NSW's Working with Children Check (WWCC) online system.

Victoria State Government

Service Victoria's Working with Children Check (WWCC) online system.

Queensland Government

Queensland's Blue Card for working with children's online system.

Government of Western Australia

Western Australian Working with Children Check online services.

South Australia

South Australian Working with Children Check online services.

ACT Government

Australian Capital Territory Working with Vulnerable People (WWVP) electronic mail.

Tasmanian Government

Tasmanian Government's CBOS' Working with Vulnerable People online system.

Northen Territory Government

Northen Territory's PFES' Working with Children Clearance online system.






Compliance Rate