Get Shifts Now!

The number 1 app for childcare educators and workers, lets you create a free online profile. Find casual work and get matched for permanent jobs now!

The Educator Experience

We know all childcare educators are key to our mission to raise the standard of care for kids. That's why we created QuickCare, an app that helps and rewards you in finding and staying in work.

Flexible Working Built-In

Find and claim work when and where it suits you. Freed from rostering software, childcare services post open or direct work for you to claim across locations.

Free Online & Verified Profile

Build your childcare profile online and verified for free. We confirm all your documents, identity and qualifications in a portfolio you can share with any childcare service.

Award+ Wages & Bonuses

Get hired on-demand for casual or permanent work through our app and get paid award plus wages and bonuses to maximise your income.

Childcare Educator Community

Join the thousands of childcare educators in our growing community network. From aspiring trainees to experienced directors, learn, laugh and share.

Create your profile to find work now

QuickCare lets you store and share all your certificates. Whether you work at a childcare centre or seek new opportunities, download our app and get set up in 5 minutes, free.

Download and create your profile

Download the QuickCare app from Google Play Store or Apple App Store then create and share your profile.

Get Screened and Find work

Find casual, part-time or full-time roles, and claim shifts with QuickCare or your Childcare employer.

Maximise your income

Good profiles, high ratings attract the most opportunities

Got any questions?

QuickCare makes it easy to get started and setup your free online profile for casual or permanent work.

How do I get notified when there are new opportunities?

Can I set my availability and preferences?

When do you get paid for work?

Can I keep my documents up to date as I change qualification?

Open Opportunities

Create your profile in app to apply for a range of full and part-time job opportunities across different childcare service providers.

Open Full and Part-Time Opportunities

Childcare Trainee

Cert 3

Sydney - Greater Sydney Region

Apply in App

Certificate III Childcare Educator (Cert 3)

Cert 3

Sydney - Greater Sydney Region

Melbourne - Greater Melbourne Region

Apply in App

Diploma Childcare Educator


Sydney - Greater Sydney Region

Melbourne - Greater Melbourne Region

Apply in App

Diploma Childcare Room Leader


Sydney - Greater Sydney Region

Apply in App

Early Childcare Educator (ECT)


Sydney - Greater Sydney Region

Melbourne - Greater Melbourne Region

Apply in App

2IC Childcare Educator



Sydney - Greater Sydney Region

Apply in App

Centre Director / Manager


Sydney - Greater Sydney Region

Apply in App

Special Opportuinities

Room Leader Maternity Leave Cover



Sydney - Greater Sydney Region

Apply in App

Create your profile to claim work now

Free to download and create your profile. Simply pick your interests, add your documents and get verified to claim shifts, share your profile and apply for jobs.

Trusted by thousands of childcare educators.


129 Reviews